March 20, 2009

American Phone

Before becoming a receptionist I hated phones. I hated everything about them. They’re a clumsy way to communication, also inconvenient. After being a receptionist for 4 years, I would like to tell you this opinion has changed.

It hasn’t.

Phones are obsolete. They may give me job security, but I want them replaced. By replace, I mean by something other than an automated system (the worse thing that happened to phones). I get making phones smaller and with easy to use buttons. I’ll never understand automated phone systems.

Over the years, I’ve come to view phones as an art form. I mastered a consistent rhythm and tone. Put procedures and escape plans in place. Something I still haven’t mastered? Placing phone calls. I may answer phones all day long. Deal with customers, wives, and telemarketers. Calling on behave of a company (or yourself)? It’s much different. One day, I’ll tackle this phone thing. Then move on to leaving voice mails.

With my luck that’ll be the day the phones die.

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